
All designs need to be "digitised", i.e. set up. A digitisation turns your design into a file that our embroidery machines can read. Much of the success of an embroidery is based on how well the digitisation is done. We do our own digitising using the leading digitisation software, the provider of which is Wilcom.
All we need from you is a decent image to start with or, if it's just text then tell us what you want it to read, the font, size and colour.
If you don't have an image then share your idea with us and we will create something from scratch.
For our retail customers our standard charges are:
Text Digitization = £10
Simple Artwork = £25
Complex Artwork = £35
Specialist Artwork = £50
Minor Amendments = £10
*All prices are exclusive of VAT. Enquire with us now for a quote

Badge Design Embroidery will accept no responsibility for the quality of the embroidery should customers supply their own embroidery disc. Digitisation is an art and the quality of digitization can vary significantly with the quality of the digitiser. Discs usually created for flat work e.g. left breast logo's are not often suitable for cap embroideries or for specific fabrics. We strongly suggest you have you disc re-created if required to go on to caps. By giving us your logo you are giving us the right to use your logo even if it has been Trademarked or Copyrighted. As such we can use it for marketing and promoting our own business, including on our website, as long as the use does not damage or malign in any way the credibility of the logo.
No image should be sent to us without you knowing that you have the rights to that image or that you have the explicit permission by the owner of the rights to that image. It will be automatically assumed that by sending us the image that you have the right to use it and that you have given us permission to create the image and that is part of the contract.
Should it be found that the image is not authorised for use and the owner challenges the production of it, then we will pass on the customer details to the owner upon their proof of ownership.
The ownership of all digitised designs and artwork supplied by ourselves remains with ourselves, irrespective of the design having a copyrighted logo. If a logo that we have been asked to create and use is not paid for then we have the right to use that logo for whatever purposes we see fit, until an outstanding monies are paid. The digitization charges above are solely for the work of creating the design, which we will keep on file for 10 years from when it was last used. To own the embroidery and/or artwork files a separate ownership fee is applicable. If you are a repeat customer and we have already digitized your design, you do not need to pay these charges again.
Should you request us to produce artwork and then do not proceed to place an order or cancel an order, then this will attract our standard artwork charge of £35, otherwise artwork charges will only be applied if we have advised as such.We always recommend you request a sample and it is a service which we offer. Should you choose to waive this option and then the risk of error is the customers. A sampling charge of £30 for both direct embroidery and for badges applies. However, this is refunded when a full order is confirmed less the final unit cost and any postage incurred. Digitisation charges are non-refundable.